Traverse Climbing Curriculum Overview
We offer a comprehensive line of climbing curriculum to maximize the benefits of your Traverse Wall®. Here’s an overview of what we offer.
Climbing the Walls: An Activity and Resources Guide for Traverse Wall® Facilitators
Climbing the Walls is included with every Traverse Wall purchase, however if your climbing wall is three years old, or older, you may not have our updated third edition. This version features 65 detailed lesson plans for introductory, beginner, intermediate, challenge, station and cross-curricular activities. Color photos, safety information, climbing techniques, teaching tips, assessment ideas, awards and more are included in this comprehensive, 250-page guide. It includes all the information you need to develop a fun, safe and rewarding traverse climbing wall program.
Choose Well, Be Well™
If you would like to bring some health education to the climbing wall, look no further. Choose Well, Be Well promotes awareness of proper nutrition and exercise through a variety of fun, climbing wall activities. Children will learn the key components of the MyPlate food guidelines and develop an understanding of the importance of adopting healthy exercise and nutrition habits. The package includes a full-color MyPlate activity board (23″ x 35″) with a dry-erase and magnet-accepting surface; a set of 30 food magnets; a detailed activity guide divided by grade level (1st – 8th) and hardware.
Climb Across America™
This unique U.S. Geography curriculum combines learning about the states with rock climbing! Children can participate in a “climb” across the country, learn the locations of states and capitals and unscramble facts about our great nation with this geography climbing curriculum. The Climb Across America activity board (23″ x 35″) features a large, colorful map of the United States and an area for adding facts about each state. The write-on, wipe-off surface allows for even more versatility with activities. It also has magnetic capabilities for accepting each state’s name and capital magnets. 50 state name magnets, 50 state capital magnets, hardware and an activity guide are also included in the package.
Climbing for Character™
Climbing for Character links character education with the experience of climbing. This unique activity guide includes character education climbing activities to support the development of eight key character traits: Honesty, Courage, Diligence, Responsibility, Kindness and Caring, Respect, Trustworthiness and Service to Others. Climbing for Character is 160 pages and contains introductory and background information on character education and detailed lessons on all eight character traits for children in primary, middle and upper grades.
Lessons include definitions of each trait, suggested actions and activities to model each trait on the climbing wall and mini posters for placement near the wall. To further enhance the development of these character traits, there is an included take-home component with each lesson to engage parents or guardians in this important topic.
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