Climb Across America
Climb Across America
This unique U.S. Geography curriculum combines learning about the states with rock climbing! Children can participate in a "climb" across the country, learn the locations of states and capitals and unscramble facts about our great nation with this geography climbing curriculum. The Climb Across America activity board features a large, colorful map of the United States and an area for adding facts about each state. The write-on, wipe-off surface allows for even more versatility with activities. It also has magnetic capabilities for accepting each state's name and capital magnets.
Climb Across America includes a 23" x 35" activity board, 50 state name magnets, 50 state capital magnets, hardware and an Activity Guide.
WARNING: This product contains small magnets. Do not ingest or inhale.
CLIMB ACROSS AMERICA Activity Board Dimensions 23"x 25" Age Appropriate Elementary and Middle School €“ Grades 3-6 Contains Detailed Activity Guide (27 pages), 50 state name magnets, 50 state capital magnets, hardware -
What types of activities can be done with Climb Across America?
Children can learn the location and names of states, capitols and the Great Lakes. They can also simulate a "climb across the country" by keeping track of how many times they traverse the climbing wall and mapping it on the activity board. All activities integrate climbing and learning. Additional activities can be developed by students and educators using the versatile activity board and magnets.
Is Climb Across America a stand-alone U.S. Geography curriculum?
No, Climb Across America enhances an existing study of United States geography. It is not a stand-alone curriculum.
Shipping and Install
Climb Across America will ship via FedEx.
The Climb Across America Activity Board can be mounted to the wall with the included double-sided tape.