Safety Mats
Safety surfacing is a critical part of any climbing wall. Everlast Climbing offers safety climbing mats AND a way to "close" your climbing wall all with one product--the patented Mat Locking® System. 2" or 3" Safety Mats provide a cushioned landing surface when the wall is in use. When it's time to close the climbing wall, our cordless system is easy to use and helps prevent unauthorized climbing.
WONDERFUL, INGENIOUS idea. Love the ease of it all. [The Mat Locking System] saves so much time and effort; no more pulling mats out of storage and no more putting mats away every afternoon. Just unlock and let down when you're ready to get started or just flip up and lock when you're done for the day. Love it!
Valerie Turner
Physical Educator
Long Creek Elementary School, Huntersville, NC