New Goals for a New Year: Goal Setting on a Traverse Wall®

New Goals for a New Year: Goal Setting on a Traverse Wall®

We challenge you to set some new goals for the new year—whether they be personal climbing goals, or goals for the climbers you work with. The Traverse Wall is the perfect place to practice setting and working towards goals. Setting goals not only helps climbers monitor progress but can also improve motivation because they offer something tangible to work towards. And ultimately, working towards goals you set helps you accomplish more.

Since rock climbing helps to develop physical, cognitive and social-emotional skills, we have developed a sample list of goals separated by these three skill categories. Choose one of our goals or create your own and get started working towards them.


Long-Term Goal: Improve my Techniques/Skills as a Climber

Short-term goals to achieve this:

  • Traverse the length of the Traverse Wall without stepping down, using any holds.
  • Traverse the length of the climbing wall using only one color hold for my hands.
  • Traverse the length of the climbing wall using only one color hold for my feet.
  • Traverse the length of the rock wall using only one color hold for my hands and feet (route climbing).
  • Reach for hand holds that are almost out of my reach with my hands and/or feet.
  • Balance on one foot while reaching for hand holds with my hands.
  • Balance with one hand while reaching for hand holds with my feet.
  • Change climbing directions more frequently (up, down, backwards, forwards).
  • Learn and try new climbing moves.


Long-Term Goal: Set Realistic Goals for Myself

Short-term goals to achieve this:

  • Identify what I do well as a climber and write them down (strengths).
  • Practice identified strengths and push myself to become even better at them.
  • Identify where I am struggling and write them down (areas for growth).
  • Choose one growth opportunity to work on.
  • Ask for help identifying strengths, growth areas and new goals from teachers, coaches or peers.
  • Reflect on how I am doing at achieving my goals. Consider journaling.


Long-Term Goal: Demonstrate Cooperation and Respect

Short-term goals to achieve this:

  • Offer constructive and positive ideas to other climbers during climbing sessions or group activities.
  • Try other peoples’ ideas and suggestions.
  • Work as a team with others (take turns, listen to other people’s ideas, cooperate). Try one of our team-building activities.
  • Be patient with myself and others.
  • Show respect for others (be kind, be an active listener, be helpful, be positive).
  • Treat climbing wall/equipment with respect (use as intended and instructed).
  • Follow climbing wall rules and proper climbing etiquette. 

Let us know in the comments how you or your climbers are progressing!




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