Three Top Rope Climbing Wall Games
Once your climbers have mastered belaying and all of the safety protocols of the climbing wall, they are ready for some new challenges. Here are three of our favorite vertical climbing wall games to try.
One Foot Send
Climbers are challenged to use only one foot while climbing.
Grade Level: Ages 12 and up
Materials: None
Advance Set Up: None
Before climbing, the climber should decide which foot they are not using. They then begin climbing using only one foot. If they successfully complete the climb, they should try again with the other foot. This is a challenging activity!
National Standard(s): 1,2,3,4 & 5
Grade-Level Outcomes:
- Nonlocomotor (S1.E7, S1.E8, S1.E10)
- Movement concepts (S2.E1, S2.E2)
- Engages in physical activity (S3.E2, S3.M3, S3.M4, S3.M5)
- Personal responsibility (S4.E1, S4.E2, S4.M1, S4.M2)
- Working with others (S4.E4, S4.M4, S4.M5), if a partner activity
- Rules & etiquette (S4.E5, S4.M5, S4.M6)
- Safety (S4.E6, S4.M7)
- Challenge (S5.E2, S5.M3)
Scavenger Hunt
Climbers are challenged to find hidden (or not-so-hidden) objects on the climbing wall.
Grade Level: Ages 12 and up
- A variety of small items that will fit on hand holds and still allow room for hands on holds (plastic animals/insects, small stuffed animals, bean bags)
Advance Set Up: Place items on several hand holds at varying heights at each top rope station. Keep in mind that you will need someone to belay you to place objects, or you could have "helpers" do this in advance of the activity.
Before they climb, let climbers know that there are objects on the climbing wall. Challenge them to find them as they climb. This activity is a great motivator for hesitant climbers. Also, it is easily modified to fit a theme, holiday or special event.
Have climbers move the item to a different, nearby hold when they find it.
National Standards: 1,2,3,4 & 5
Grade-Level Outcomes:
- Non-locomotor (S1.E7, S1.E8, S1.E10)
- Movement concepts (S2.E1, S2.E2)
- Engages in physical activity (S3.E2, S3.M3, S3.M4, S3.M5)
- Personal responsibility (S4.E1, S4.E2, S4.M1, S4.M2)
- Rules & etiquette (S4.E5, S4.M5, S4.M6)
- Safety (S4.E6, S4.M7)
- Challenge (S5.E2, S5.M3)
Hot Lava
Climbers are challenged to avoid areas of “hot lava” on the climbing wall.
Grade Level: Ages 12 and up
Materials: Bungee cords, string or tape (preferably Gaffers’ tape)
Advance Prep: Use bungee cords, string or tape to mark off areas that will be “hot lava,” or areas that cannot be used for climbing. The cords and string can be wrapped around several holds to create the imaginary areas of challenge. Keep safety in mind as you space the areas so that there are clear opportunities for climbers to climb over and around hot lava to complete the climb. Keep in mind that you will need someone to belay you to create the patches of hot lava, or you could have "helpers" do this in advance of the activity.
Activity: This activity brings some new challenges to the climbing wall by “eliminating” some of the holds from use by climbers. As they climb, climbers must abide by these rules:
- The climber’s feet or hands cannot touch any part of the hot lava (border and interior space).
- Regular climbing wall safety rules still apply.
- If the climber breaks any rule, s/he must be lowered and try again from the base of the climb.
National Standards: 1,2,3,4 & 5
Grade-Level Outcomes:
- Nonlocomotor (S1.E7, S1.E8, S1.E10)
- Movement concepts (S2.E1, S2.E2)
- Engages in physical activity (S3.E2, S3.M3, S3.M4, S3.M5)
- Personal responsibility (S4.E1, S4.E2, S4.M1, S4.M2)
- Rules & etiquette (S4.E5, S4.M5,S4.M6)
- Safety (S4.E6, S4.M7)
- Challenge (S5.E2, S5.M3)
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