Rock Wall Climbing Challenges by Matt Barrows
As students become more advanced with climbing, I like to give them extra challenges to go beyond traverse climbing. I had seen these challenges performed at Fox Hill Elementary and introduced them to our students as those next-level climbing skills. I will do challenge climbing for my 2nd-5th grade students that can successfully traverse the wall from start to finish.
I have a cart of items that I have at the beginning of the rock wall for students to use if they want to further challenge themselves on the traverse climb. I also have a Rock Wall Challenge Certificate that students can fill out and take home for successfully completed challenges. I currently have 6 advanced climbing challenges that students can complete. Students can also be creative with these challenges as they can do multiple challenges together and with a partner(s). My challenges are a Strength Climb, Blindfold Climb, Rings of Fire, Partner(s) Climb, Flag Cross and Drop, and the Tennis Ball Transfer. If a student completes one of these challenges, they will fill out the certificate and I will sign it to send home.
Strength Climb
I have an 8 pound weighted vest, and a 12 pound backpack filled with items. Students wear one of these (or both!) and will attempt to traverse the entire wall. If they make it all the way across without touching the ground, they are successful.
Blindfold Climb
I have blindfolds in my cart that students can use to climb based on the sense of touch. Students will place themselves at the beginning of the wall and then get the blindfold placed over their eyes. I let the kids do this challenge with or without a student spotter or guide to help them. Using feeling with their hands and feet, they will climb across the entire length of the wall without touching the ground. Once they can feel the difference in wall texture, they can climb down for completion.
Rings of Fire
For this challenge, I use the Versa Challenge Course hoop holds. I will set up 5 hula hoops across the length of the wall. The challenge is for the students to climb successfully across the wall and also be able to go climb THROUGH the 5 “Rings of Fire” without knocking them off or coming off of the wall.
Partner(s) Climb
You will need a 3-4 foot length of rope or jump rope for this challenge. Students will link up by connecting the ropes to each other. Students can do a simple loop around their wrist, or tuck the rope into the side of their waistband. The goal is for both partners or a group of students to all make it across successfully without breaking the link of partners or anyone from your climbing group touching the ground.
Flag Cross and Drop
For this challenge, I use the Everlast Climbing Magna® Flags. The flags are placed across the top of the wall with one flag on each panel. Students will climb across the wall and must grab each flag and drop it into a bucket as they are climbing across. If they make each flag into the buckets on their climb without ever touching the ground, they complete the challenge.
Tennis Ball Transfer
I use the Everlast Climbing Ball Holds and 1 tennis ball for this challenge. My ball holds are placed at the top of each wall panel down the length of the wall. The challenge is for students to retrieve the tennis ball that sits at the beginning panel and be able to take that ball and place it on top of the hold at the final panel. Students can use the holds as they go to place and climb, or they can carry in their hand as they climb. To complete the challenge, they must transfer from the beginning to the end without dropping the ball or touching the floor.
Students are really motivated for these challenges. They love being able to take home certificates to show their success. They also enjoy doing combo challenges once they know they can be successful. These challenges range in difficulty to get a wide range of student interest.
About the Author
Matt Barrows has been teaching PE and Health for 15 years now. He currently teaches K-5 PE and health at Rising Hill Elementary in the North Kansas City School District. Matt likes to create unique ways to get everyone highly engaged in PE no matter what their skill levels might be.
Matt does a good job at promoting lifetime activities and skills surrounding physical fitness. He implements programs such as BikeWalkKC, Hy-vee Kids Fit, Crown Schools Fun at Bat with the Kansas City Royals that instill communication, leadership, cooperation, and fitness aspects that can be translated into their everyday lives.
Matt was awarded the MOSHAPE Kansas City Region PE Teacher of the Year in 2020. In 2015 and 2021, Matt was recognized by the North Kansas City School District and selected to the Teaching Honor Cadre. This honor is awarded to individuals that go above and beyond to ensure NKC Schools are a great place for students, teachers, staff, and community. He also is a 2022 graduate of the Superintendent’s Leadership Institute for North Kansas City Schools. Matt has also received over $40,000 worth of grant money from various resources between the North Kansas City Education Foundation, Royals Charities and Whataburger, the Heartland Foundation and Project Fit America, and other USA sport organizations. Matt recently became one of the Elementary PE instructional leaders for his district, helped develop a new PE/Health curriculum, leads professional growth courses, and advocates for a healthy lifestyle for all. He went to Northwest Missouri State University for both his bachelor’s and master’s degree in K-12 PE and Education Leadership. Matt wants to create an enjoyable active lifestyle for all students.
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