Climbing Builds...Courage

Climbing Builds...Courage

Rock climbing is not only fun and a great way to develop of physical fitness, it also builds many positive character traits. We will be highlighting five of these traits over the next several weeks: Courage, Diligence, Responsibility, Kindness & Caring and Respect.

Courage is defined as “having the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.” Climbers often come face to face with fear—whether it be the fear of trying something new, the fear of heights or the fear of failure. With every new climbing experience, however, they are challenged to summon the strength to keep at it and overcome that fear. With each new success, fear subsides, and courage grows.

Climbers are also often faced with difficulties. Climbing walls are problems to be solved, and sometimes they are tricky problems that require multiple attempts to conquer. Good climbing wall instructors continue to add new challenges to engage and develop their climbers. The difficulties morph, but never go away. The perseverance to tackle these difficulties develops courage, too. And many would say that these difficulties are the main appeal to rock climbing and what keeps climbers engaged and eager to climb again.

Boy and girl rock climbing     Girl rock climbing avoiding challenges

If you are looking for ways to help add challenge to your climbing wall and develop courage, try the On Thin Ice climbing wall activity or add the Ultimate Challenge Course to bring a Ninja experience to your climbing wall.

Boy rock climbing using special hand holds to add challenge that require courage

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