Dinosaur Egg Transfer
Dinosaur Egg Transfer
Dinosaur Egg Transferis a team building game that requires "paleontologists" to work together to move the "dinosaur egg" to safety. Set includes 2" ball, 2 transporting tracks, each with 4 removable-handled ropes (3' long) and activity guide.
Designed to include 8 participants, this team building activity helps build skills like teamwork, problem solving, leadership and communication.
Dinosaur Egg Transfer €“ Activity Guide
The Dinosaur Egg Transfer activity guide includes step-by-step instructions on how to set-up and perform the task. Sample processing questions and variations on the activity are also included.
Dinosaur Egg Transfer, like other group initiative tasks, is designed to offer "real" or "perceived" mental, physical, social and emotional challenges that are fun and rewarding. Within a trusting and supportive environment, these challenges are often successfully met through team problem solving.
DINOSAUR EGG TRANSFER„¢ Dimensions 2" ball Participants Involved 8 Age Appropriate Elementary, Middle & High School Contains Activity Guide, 2 transporting tracks, each with 4 removable-handled ropes (3'L) -
How many participants are involved?
The Dinosaur Egg Transfer involves 8 people plus a facilitator.
Can I modify the challenge to make it easier or harder?
Yes, you can change the lengths of the ropes easily by rolling extra rope around the handles. Longer ropes make it more difficult, shorter ropes make it easier. There are also variations and challenges included in the activity guide.
Shipping and Install
Your team building product will ship FedEx. We cannot deliver to Post Office Boxes. Please inspect the product when it arrives to ensure that everything is complete and undamaged.