Halloween Climbing Games
Try these fun Traverse Wall® climbing activities that have a Halloween theme.
Climbers are challenged to avoid spider webs and spiders on the climbing wall.
Grade Level: 2 and up
Grouping: Individual/whole group
- Artificial spider webs, string or bungee cords to create webs
- Plastic or paper spiders
Advance Prep: Use artificial spider webs, string or bungee cords to create spider webs by wrapping them over and around several hand holds. Place a spider in each web. Climbers will be unable to access holds in the webs, so keep safety in mind as you space the webs so that there are clear opportunities for climbers to climb over, under and around the webs to get from one side of the climbing wall to the other.
Activity: This activity brings some new challenges to the climbing wall by “eliminating” some of the holds from use by climbers. As they climb, climbers must abide by these rules:
- The climber’s feet or hands cannot touch any part of a web (border and interior space).
- Regular climbing wall safety rules still apply.
- If climbers break any rules, they must return to the starting point and try again.
Teaching Tip: Encourage participants to climb more slowly than usual since this activity requires additional problem solving and possibly new body positioning.
National Standards: 1,2,3,4 & 5
Grade-Level Outcomes:
- Nonlocomotor (S1.E7, S1.E8, S1.E10)
- Movement concepts (S2.E1, S2.E2)
- Engages in physical activity (S3.E2, S3.M3, S3.M4, S3.M5)
- Personal responsibility (S4.E1, S4.E2, S4.M1, S4.M2)
- Rules & etiquette (S4.E5, S4.M5, S4.M6)
- Safety (S4.E6, S4.M7)
- Challenge (S5.E2, S5.M3)
Participants climb to pick pumpkins and toss them into harvest hoops, using climbing and tossing skills.
Grade Level: 1 and up
Grouping: Individual/whole group
- Plush or plastic pumpkins or orange bean bags, several per panel
- Hoops, one per panel
Advance Set Up:
Place pumpkins on hand holds across the climbing wall, high and low, several per panel. Place one harvest basket on each mat section 12-24 inches from the climbing wall.
Climbers climb and stop (while remaining on the climbing wall) to pick one pumpkin to toss into each of the harvest hoops. The goal is for the pumpkin to land in the hoop.
Note: Pumpkins will need to be periodically replaced on the climbing wall, either by the supervisor or by the climbers, depending on their ages.
Teaching Tip: To increase the challenge, place bean bags higher and/or lower on the climbing wall. You can also use smaller hoops and/or place them farther from the climbing wall.
National Standard(s): 1,2,3,4 & 5
Grade-Level Outcomes:
- Nonlocomotor (S1.E7, S1.E8, S1.E10)
- Movement concepts (S2.E1, S2.E2)
- Engages in physical activity (S3.E2, S3.M3, S3.M4, S3.M5)
- Personal responsibility (S4.E1, S4.E2, S4.M1, S4.M2)
- Rules & etiquette (S4.E5, S4.M5, S4.M6)
- Safety (S4.E6, S4.M7)
- Challenge (S5.E2, S5.M3)
Climbers move spiders and pumpkins on the climbing wall, putting their strength and flexibility to the test. This activity also requires good listening and problem-solving skills.
Grade Level: 2 and up
Grouping: Partners
- Mystery Moves cards
- Small plush or plastic pumpkins or orange bean bags, one per partnership
- Small plastic spiders or black bean bags, one per partnership
Advance Prep: Print a set of cards for each partnership. Have card sets, spiders and pumpkins available for partners to get one of each before the activity begins.
Each partnership will use one 4-foot-wide panel and mat section. If you have a 40-foot-long climbing wall, then 20 participants can play at one time, with partnerships spread out along the length of the wall.
To begin, the partners should get one card set, one spider and one pumpkin. They should place the spider and pumpkin on two different hand holds on their 4-foot-wide panel section. Next, the younger partner will be on the climbing wall first, using only that one panel. The other partner will be at the edge of the safety mat and will pull a card from the card deck and will let the climber know what move to make. For example, move the spider to a low red hand hold. If the spider or pumpkin is already on a hold like that, the climber must find another hold of that color and location. If the climber is unable to make the move (for example, the hold is out of reach), they should try a different move. After 10 successful moves, partners switch roles.
- Number each climbing wall panel and have participants try new panels. Each panel offers a unique experience because hand holds are different and in different locations on each panel. Try them all!
- Instead of partners, this activity could be conducted with one person calling the spider/pumpkin moves for all climbers on the wall. Still keep climbers on one panel and then rotate them through other panels after 10 successful moves.
National Standards: 1,2,3,4 & 5
Grade-Level Outcomes:
- Nonlocomotor (S1.E7, S1.E8, S1.E10)
- Movement concepts (S2.E1, S2.E2)
- Engages in physical activity (S3.E2, S3.M3, S3.M4, S3.M5)
- Personal responsibility (S4.E1, S4.E2, S4.M1, S4.M2)
- Working with others (S4.E4, S4.M4, S4.M5)
- Rules & etiquette (S4.E5, S4.M5, S4.M6)
- Safety (S4.E6, S4.M7)
- Challenge (S5.E2, S5.M3)
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