Hula Hoop Haven
Teams work cooperatively to traverse the climbing wall with arms linked through Hula Hoops.
Grade Level: 3 and up
Grouping: Small groups of 2-4 people
- Hula Hoops (number is dependent on number of climbers and size of wall)
Advance Set Up: None
Divide the group into teams of 2-4 people. The first time the activity is conducted, participants should be put into pairs. Then they graduate to teams of 3 and then 4 because the larger the group, the more challenging the activity is. The activity could also be conducted with different-sized groups simultaneously. Once you have determined how to divide your group, participants may begin climbing.
Participants must problem solve to discover a way to climb across the Traverse Wall with one arm linked to a Hula Hoop that is also linked to the arm of their partner(s) and following the rules of the activity.
Hula Hoop Haven Rules
- One arm of each climber must be attached to the Hula Hoop at all times
- The goal is for the team to traverse across the wall without climbing down off the wall.
- The climb begins when the first climber mounts the climbing wall.
- The climb is complete when each member of the team reaches the opposite side of the climbing wall and steps down.
- If the rules are broken, the team must restart the climb.
- To decrease challenge, complete activity only in partner groups of two people.
- To increase challenge, complete the activity with a larger number of climbers. Or, try it again without speaking!
Teaching Tip: Do not have a team larger than 4 people.
National Standard(s): 1,2,3,4 & 5
Grade-Level Outcomes:
- Nonlocomotor (S1.E7, S1.E8, S1.E10)
- Movement concepts (S2.E1, S2.E2)
- Engages in physical activity (S3.E2, S3.M3, S3.M4, S3.M5)
- Personal responsibility (S4.E1, S4.E2, S4.M1, S4.M2)
- Working with others (S4.E4, S4.M4, S4.M5)
- Rules & etiquette (S4.E5, S4.M5,S4.M6)
- Safety (S4.E6, S4.M7)
- Challenge (S5.E2, S5.M3)
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