The Sport Climbing events at the Paris Games begin on August 4 and end on August 10. Get your climbers hyped by trying these variations of two of the three climbing events that will be part of the Games. If you missed our last blog post, but sure to check it out. It covers everything you need to know about the Summer Games.
Speed Climbing Event
Materials needed: Stopwatch or timing device and medals
Prep: None
Grouping: Partners
Grade Levels: 3 & up
Activity: One person climbs while the other times the climber going across the climbing wall. Switch roles. Fastest time wins. Keep a record of all climbing times and award medals to the winners.
Variation: Create one climbing route that all climbers must follow to make it more like the Summer Games event where climbers are climbing identical routes.
Bouldering Event
Materials needed: Gaffers Tape, stopwatch or timing device and medals.
Grouping: Individual
Grade Levels: 3 & up
Prep: Set three routes of varying ability levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Mark with tape and uniquely identify the three different routes.
Activity: Have climbers attempt to climb all three routes, one at a time. Compete to complete all three routes in the least amount of time. Keep a record of all climbing routes and times and award medals to the winners.
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